A virtual presentation by Gary Letcher
FREE PRE-REGISTRATIONGary Letcher, author of Paddlers’ Guide to the Delaware River, takes us on an illustrative tour through history on and along our beautiful River. Beginning with various craft, and their pilots, that plied its waters from earliest times to the present day, he springboards into select events that mark the river community still today.
Presenter Bio:
Gary Letcher has paddled the Delaware for more than 50 years. The first edition of Canoeing the Delaware was published in 1985, with three subsequent editions. After a career in environmental law, Gary retired to Lewes, Delaware, where he often serves as an instructor at the Lifelong Learning Institute associated with the University of Delaware..
This talk, one in a series, open to the public and free of charge, is sponsored by the Delaware River Greenway Partnership (DRGP) about different aspects of the cultural, recreational, and natural heritage of the Delaware River. An environmental nonprofit, DRGP supports the Delaware River Scenic Byway, the Lower Delaware Wild & Scenic River, the Delaware River Water Trail, and the Delaware River Heritage Trail.
Event Date | 09-21-2023 7:30 pm |